Rosen Slot Copenhagen
Køb et festivalarmbånd – du støtter både festivalen OG har hurtigt tjent det ind!
Rosen Slot Copenhagen Hotel
Jun 12, 2020 - Rosen Castle Rosen Slot - Copenhagen Tourist Attractions Scandinavia Standard. Sights, Copenhagen, Denmark, ROSENBORG SLOT, architectures, topranking, best sights, luxury, museums, visit, europe. Rosenborg Slot is a renaissance style castle located in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark. Completed in 1624, the castle was built for Christian IV and was used as a royal residence until around 1710. Rosenborg Slot is known for its richly decorated rooms and its copper roof. Rosenorg Slot Castle. Rosenborg Slot Castle tower Copenhagen Denmark. Pricing Help Me Choose. Pixels inches cm. USD; Small JPEG: 533x800 px - 72 dpi 7.4' x 11.1' @ 72 dpi 18.8 x 28.2 cm @ 72 dpi: $2.50: Medium JPEG: 1067x1600 px - 300 dpi 3.6' x.
Endnu engang kan Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx) præsentere et armbånd, der betaler for sig selv. Armbåndet giver adgang til festivalens over 50 aktiviteter i København til en reduceret pris – nogle gange endda helt gratis!
Buy a festival wristband and support the festival + get free entrance and reduced prices!
Yet again Copenhagen Architecture Festival presents a festival wristband that is quickly paid back! By buying the wristband, you can experience more than 50 events in Copenhagen at a reduced price and even sometimes for free!
Rosen Slot Copenhagen Bar